By: Dan Noffsinger Abstract Many scholars have explored the intersection of 21st-century technologies with Fourth Amendment jurisprudence. Some have approached this as digital-age versions of papers, effects, and the curtilage, while others have addressed the third-party Miller doctrine. One theory gaining support, based partly on the concurring Supreme Court opinions of United States v. Jones,…
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Surveillance Capitalism
By: William Hamilton[*] In 2019, Harvard Business School Professor Shoshana Zuboff published The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power.[1] What I hope to accomplish in this short presentation is to unpack some of the salient themes of this interesting, important book. I believe her book…
Defending Face-Recognition Technology (And Defending Against It)
By: Henry H. Perritt, Jr. [*] I. INTRODUCTION Drew Williams and Michael Thompson met for the first time in a convenience store at 1:30 AM on a July night. Drew, a junior at the state university, worked in the store to earn additional money. Michael also wanted additional money, but he did not want to…
Digital Greenbacks: A Sequenced ‘Treasury Direct’ And ‘Fed Wallet’ Plan For The Democratic Digital Dollar
By: Robert Hockett[*] Abstract I propose means of immediately converting the Department of Treasury’s existing Treasury Direct system of freely available transaction accounts into a publicly administered digital savings and payments platform. A platform of this type is an essential public utility in any commercial society such as our own. It is additionally growth-promoting inasmuch…