
Look! It’s A Bird! It’s A Plane! No, It’s A Trespassing Drone

By: Nanci K. Carr[*] Abstract Drones have become increasingly popular as new uses are continuously discovered. However, landowners who watch drones fly over their yards and peer into their windows may not be as excited as the drone enthusiasts. Landowners are asking, “How can I keep that drone away from my property?” Do existing property…

Child Privacy In The Digital Age And California’s Child Deletion Statute

By: Michael Shepherd[*] INTRODUCTION In the current era of social media, parents and others constantly post pictures and reveal information about children on the Internet. As of 2010, ninety-two percent of children had an online presence by the age of two.[1] This Note will examine whether parents and others’ use of social media infringe on…

Benefit Of The But-For Bargain: Assessing Economic Tools For Data Privacy Litigation

By: Mike Kheyfets[*] I. INTRODUCTION A theory of harm frequently asserted in data breach class actions is that plaintiffs did not receive the “benefit of the bargain” with defendants. That is, plaintiffs claim that when they transferred sensitive information to defendants, they anticipated that the information would remain safe. When the data were exposed as…

The California Consumer Privacy Act: Towards A European-Style Privacy Regime In The United States?

By: Stuart L. Pardau[*] INTRODUCTION When it comes to technology, over the last two decades the consuming public has rushed forward excitedly in all directions towards new and seemingly revolutionary services, without any deep thought about the business models of well-known tech giants or what important tradeoffs might be contained in the fine print of…