
Regulating The Impending Transformation Of The Meat Industry: “Cultured Meat”

By: Jaden Atkins[*] INTRODUCTION The year is 2022. You and your friend are hungry, so you go down the street to your friend’s favorite new burger joint for lunch. You sit down and tell the waiter that you want a burger with cheese, medium rare. Fifteen minutes later, your food comes out. You take a…

We Need To Talk About Data: How Digital Monopolies Arise And Why They Have Power And Influence

By: Daniel McIntosh Abstract Over the last 10 years, while we have seen the emergence of digital technologies able to improve human welfare, we have also seen the unparalleled concentration of that technology into the hands of a few global behemoths such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple (Big Tech). However, we would be…